The Offer

Individual and group lessons

Group lessons
Awareness through movement

In the group lessons I guide you verbally through a clearly structured composition of movements. At the same time, I draw your attention to details and connections so that you gradually become more aware of what you are doing and how you are doing it.

In a playful and informal way, you explore your movement possibilities during the lessons. You develop your sense for differences and increasingly refine your perception of yourself and the environment in which you move. Too much body tension and unnecessary effort are often well disguised and usually go undetected in everyday life. During the lessons, you have the opportunity to expose unfavourable posture and movement patterns and learn to create new variations that are more coherent for you. Because the ability to feel differences and make comparisons is what enables the brain to reorganise movement and develop movement diversity in the first place.

You can experience for yourself how to use your own weight and how to use gravity in your favour. The fact that efficient movement is effortless, and that powerful movement can feel light, can thus be experienced directly.

Like a musician tuning his instrument, you work on fine-tuning your physical and mental activities. spielend-bewegt

On request:

  • Feldenkrais workshops and seminars in GER / EN
  • Sounder Sleep System workshops / classes

Feldenkrais Group Lessons regularly*

Mondays at BOZ Bottmingen
(Flyer hier)

  • Course 1 | 17.45 h to 18.45 h
  • Course 2 | 19.00 h to 20.00 h

Fridays at Raum für mehr

  • Course 1 | 10.00 h to 11.00 h
  • Course 2 | 11.30 h to 12.30 h

Ursula Brog
Tel 076 345 02 69

*Group lessons in English on demand

An offer in cooperation with Fragile Suisse:

Gentle movement with the Feldenkrais method

A course for people with a brain injury and their relatives (course language german)


Badenerstrasse 696, 8048 Zürich
Phone 044 360 26 91

Logo Fragile Suisse For people with brain injury and their relatives

Course 1st half-year 2025

Friday, 07.02. / 28.02. / 21.03. / 11.04. / 02.05. / 23.05.2025
You can join the course at any time.
Time: 14.00 to 15:30 Uhr


Course 2nd half-year 2025

Friday, 15.08. / 29.08. / 19.09. / 10.10. / 31.10. / 21.11.2025
You can join the course at any time.
Time: 14.00 to 15:30 h

Offer for individual lessons

  • Individual lessons every Friday
  • Appointments by arrangement

There are two entrances:
Freie Strasse 37 / Schlüsselberg 10 in 4001 Basel

1 Stunde : CHF 120.00*

Ursula Brog
Tel 076 345 02 69

Individual lessons Functional Integration

Here we dedicate ourselves together to your very personal needs. In a gentle way and always in an exploratory mode, I accompany you with my hands in your movement. Using movement patterns that are familiar to you, we can gain access to your resources. “Blind spots” and interruptions in the movement process become perceptible and can be reintegrated into your movement repertoire in this way. Because like every ability, movements and functions that were once learned but little or no longer used fade into the background or are completely forgotten over time. However, they remain stored in the body’s memory and can be recalled, changed and expanded. We create the right learning conditions for your brain so that a reactivation of your movement potential becomes possible and you can even experience an “update”. This means that you are enabled to replace unfavourable patterns with more appropriate ones and to discover further options. Through the casual and subtle way of moving, we give your nervous system the chance to gradually integrate them into the overall structure of your self-organisation.

Always going along with your possibilities and never focussing on your “problem”, a lesson takes place in the supine position, side position, prone position, sitting or even standing, depending on the topic. Other configurations are also conceivable and possible.

Health insurance

*I am registered with the EMR. Ask your health insurance (supplementary insurance for complementary medicine) about cost coverage.